Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Dear All,
It is a great pleasure to announce that for the first time ever, SCBA will be hosting the Table Tennis Tournament in Monterey Park, on the August 1st, 2010. We would like to extend the invitation to all ping pong players in our community.
The tournament will feature single. Participation fees will be $10 US dollars per person.
We would appreciate your responses by July 24th, 2010. This would be to our benefit so we can start preparing for this upcoming tournament.
We are looking forward to receive your confirmations as soon as possible.
Below are the contact names. Please do not hesitate to call or email for any questions.
Contact Names
Henry Gaw (626) 319-9232  henrymgaw@gmail.com
David  Chwa  (213)798 5191  dchwa@yahoo.com
Dr. Zaw Min Thu  (714)469 7486  drzawthu@gmail.com
Dr. Phillip Zaw Htun Kaw (626) 625 3666  phillipkaw@yahoo.com
Ko Khin Mg Win   (310)600-1546  khin_win@sbcglobal.net
Please make all checks payable to  SCBA
If we have missed anyone please forward this email to all your friends and family.
Organization Committee
Southern California Burmese Association